Scoil Mocheallóg (Killmallock NS) was created in 2004 when Scoil Uí Eilí is Uí Ruairc, the Girls’ School and Scoil Peadar agus Pól, the Boys’ School amalgamated. The school located in Co Limerick operated in two separate locations until April 2007 until all pupils moved into a new ‘state of the art’ building in April 2017.
The new building consists of 16 classrooms, including an Aistear room, an early intervention preschool and a Sunflower ASD unit complete with its own playground and sensory room, 2 basketball courts, an Infant playground located on a roof, an internal garden, an outdoor classroom, a playing field, a front lawn and two concrete play areas. There is over 200 pupils, 23 teachers including the Principal, 9 classroom assistants, a Secretary , a Caretaker and Cleaners.
This school opted for self installation of 4 traverse climbing boards and a climbing bridge in the outdoor playground.